Full Redesign of the ICMA Job Center

May 2019

The ICMA Job Center is a revenue generating resource that allows employers to purchase and promote their job posts. Additionally, those job posts are displayed to job seekers in the profession of local government. The ICMA Job Center is a combination of two separate websites where the job seeking experience happens on Drupal while the job post purchasing experience happens on NetForum.

Visit the ICMA Job Center »


  • Integrate two new and separate websites into a cohesive experience
  • Make it easy to search amongst the 150+ job posts


Stats over the first 12 months since launching in May 2019.


Increase in job ad purchases


Increase in revenue

Project Contributions

I contributed to the project in the following ways:

Designed wireframes and widgets to improve the visual design and usability of the job detail pages.

Designed wireframes to improve the usability of the employer dashboard.